Food for the Soul: Loving Beethoven
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Food for the Soul: Loving Beethoven

Gustav Klimt. Beethoven Frieze (detail). Vienna. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth date is unknown but his baptism, that most likely took place no later than a day later, has been recorded as December 17, 1770. This year, therefore, it is a round 250 year…

Food for the Soul – Police… in other countries, other shows
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Food for the Soul – Police… in other countries, other shows

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout A lot of us are still stuck at home, often unable to travel or work. To alleviate boredom, many media outlets recommend shows to watch, but these recommendations usually focus on American TV shows. So, here is a different list. Instead of watching traditonal U.S. cop shows, full…

Food for the Soul – Dog Stories
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Food for the Soul – Dog Stories

Martiros Saryan. By the Well. Hot day, 1909. Martiros Saryan Museum, Yerevan, Armenia. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain “Man’s best friend” has been a friend of artists throughout centuries and esthetic styles. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout As soon as I wrote a story about cats in fine art, dog aficionados felt a…

Food for the Soul –  Cat Stories
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Food for the Soul – Cat Stories

Couturier Cat. Tsuguharu Foujita. 1927. Photo: Public Domain Before there were videos of funny cats on the Internet, for about 4000 years there were simply fun cat paintings. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Long before the entire world got stuck in front of flickering screens all day long, cat videos were the…

Food for the Soul: Docs you can share with youngsters
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Food for the Soul: Docs you can share with youngsters

By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Stuck at home together with the rest of the world we should, theoretically, have lots of free time. It turns out however that a lot of this time is taken up by fixing. We fix our kids calculus assignments, even if our last bout with calculus was decades ago,…

Food for the Soul: Artemisia Gentileschi – Women Artists Series 4
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Food for the Soul: Artemisia Gentileschi – Women Artists Series 4

Artemisia Gentileschi. Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting (La Pittura), (about 1638-1639). Oil on canvas. Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019. Photo: Courtesy of The National Gallery, London “…with me Your Illustrious Lordship will not lose and you will find the spirit of Caesar in the soul of a woman.”~…

Food for the Soul: 500 years of Raphael in Rome
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Food for the Soul: 500 years of Raphael in Rome

Raphael. Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione. (1513) The Louvre. Courtesy of Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome April 6, 2020 markes a 500 year anniversary of passing of one the most beloved artists. A huge Raphael exhibition at the Scuderia del Quirinale in Rome could only open in March for few days before the whole of Italy went…

Food for the Soul: Michelangelo – Mind of the Master
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Food for the Soul: Michelangelo – Mind of the Master

Sweat and toil of the master who never wanted you to see it By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Michelangelo Buonarotti. Head of a Child with a Cloak around the Head. Mid-1520’s. Collection and photo credit: Teylers Museum, Haarlem.The Netherlands. Courtesy of the Getty Museum Most of the time, on order to experience Michelangelo’s…

Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar
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Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar

The Ghent Altar or An Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Inside panels. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons, Public domain. The most stolen artwork ever has been restored to its original glory By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout When brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck started painting panels of a commissioned altar some time in 1420’s…